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J.M. Gonzalez Gonzalez
F.J. Diaz Bretones,
"Pushed or pulled? Entrepreneurial behaviour among immigrants as a strategy to cope with negative social identity", Identities, vol.20
, 633-648, 2013
F.J. Diaz Bretones
"Spanish Adaptation of the Structural Empowerment Scale", The Spanish Journal of Psychology, vol.16
, 1-7, 2013
M. Sanchez Martinez, M.D.P. Diaz Conde, J. Sáez-Carreras
S. Pinazo-Hernandis,
"The professional profile of intergenerational program managers: general and specific characteristics", Educational Gerontology
, 1-15, 2013
A. Navarro Galera, J. Sanchez Fernandez, J.M. Gonzalez Gonzalez
F.J. Diaz Bretones,
"The Repercussions of marriage breakdowns on housing preferences: An empirical research in Spain", Journal of Comparative Family Studies, vol.44
, 17-40, 2013
M.J. Jáimez Román
"El compromiso organizacional en empresas españolas [Organizational commitment in Spanish enterprises]", 2012
F.J. Diaz Bretones
"Calidad de vida y posibilidades de crecimiento [Quality of life and growth possibilities]", "Transformando realidades para fortalecer la convivencia y seguridad ciudadana", 88-95, 2012
P. Francés-Gómez, G. Granda , F.J. Diaz Bretones
J.M. Gonzalez Gonzalez,
"Case Study as a method for normative Business Ethics: Moral foundations of Business Ethics", "2012 EUROPEAN BUSINESS ETHICS NETWORK (EBEN) RESEARCH CONFERENCE", None-None, 2012
F.J. Diaz Bretones, I. Tamayo
J.M. Gonzalez Gonzalez,
"Ethical perceptions: a Spanish adaptation of the PRESOR questionnaire.", "2012 EUROPEAN BUSINESS ETHICS NETWORK (EBEN) RESEARCH CONFERENCE", None-None, 2012
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024