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F.J. Diaz Bretones
"Riesgos psicosociales en trabajadores migrantes con alta y baja cualificación desde la perspectiva del género", "VI Congreso de Centros Universitarios de Relaciones Laborales y Ciencias del Trabajo", None-None, 2019
F.J. Diaz Bretones
"Keep calm and keep on thriving! A study on the relationship between organizational trust, innovative work behavior and extra-role performance", "19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology", None-None, 2019
F.J. Diaz Bretones
"Spaniards in the United Kingdom: psychosocial risks in skilled emigrants", "13th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology", None-None, 2018
F.J. Diaz Bretones
"Value conflict and psychological resilience of the Russian companies¿ staff in the conditions of transitive economy", "8th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences", None-None, 2018
L. Alvarado Sánchez
F.J. Diaz Bretones,
"Working conditions and psychosocial risks in migrant Ecuadorian workers in Spain", "13th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology", None-None, 2018
F.J. Diaz Bretones
"Antecedents of stress and well-being: a comparison between migrant and native workers in Spain", "13th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology", None-None, 2018
R. González Martínez
"The submissive worker: The ideologican function of labour market discourse in Spain", "Seminar Series", None-None, 2018
R. González-Martínez, P. Francés Gómez
J.M. Gonzalez Gonzalez,
"Justifying the labour market in Spain: Boltanski and Thévenot, the six worlds of justification and the organizational wellbeing", "13th EUROPEAN ASOCIATION ORGANIZATIONAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY CONFERENCE", None-None, 2018
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024