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F.J. Diaz Bretones, A. Delgado-Padial
J.M. Gonzalez Gonzalez,
"Working Conditions After an Economic Crisis in Spain: ¿No Calm After the Storm", "Sociologia"
, vol.55, 383-410, 2023
R. González-Martínez, J.M. Gonzalez Gonzalez
P. Francés Gómez,
"Justifying Working Conditions and Labour Demands in Spain: Orders of Worth", "Recerca"
, vol.28, -, 2023
F.J. Diaz Bretones "Processes of Discrimination and Humiliation experienced by Ecuadorian Immigrant Workers in Spain", "Social Inclusion"
, vol.11, 48-58, 2023
F.J. Diaz Bretones "Adaptación y validación al español de la Escala de Empoderamiento Psicológico.", "Interdisciplinaria: Revista de Psicologia y Ciencias Afines"
, vol.39, 195-210, 2022
M. Sanchez Martinez
M.D.P. Diaz Conde,
"Active ageing policy in challenging production environments: a case study involving social partners in Spain", "European Journal Of Ageing"
, -, 2021
F.J. Diaz Bretones "The effort-reward model and its effect on burnout among nurses in Ecuador", "Frontiers in Psychology"
, vol.12, -, 2021
F.J. Diaz Bretones "Psychological (In)Flexibility Mediates the Effect of Loneliness on Psychological Stress. Evidence from a Large Sample of University Professors", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health"
, vol.18, -, 2021
F.J. Diaz Bretones "Teachers Attitudes Towards the Introduction of ICT in Ecuadorian Public Schools", "TechTrends"
, vol.64, -, 2020
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024