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M. Sanchez Martinez, M. Campillo
M.D.P. Diaz Conde,
"Reading mentors in primary education. Lessons learned from piloting an intergenerational school model", "International Journal of Educational Research"
, vol.100, 101539-, 2020
F.J. Diaz Bretones "Incertidumbres generadas durante el proceso del Brexit entre los trabajadores españoles altamente cualificados", "Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas"
, vol.172, 3-20, 2020
F.J. Diaz Bretones "Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas"
, vol.172, -, 2020
F.J. Diaz Bretones "Teachers Attitudes Towards the Introduction of ICT in Ecuadorian Public Schools", "TechTrends"
, vol.64, -, 2020
F.J. Diaz Bretones "Salud mental y factores de resiliencia durante el confinamiento por COVID-19", "Universitas Psychologica"
, vol.19, 1-13, 2020
F.J. Diaz Bretones, A. Jain, S. Leka
P.A. Garcia Lopez,
"Psychosocial working conditions and wellbeing of migrant workers", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health"
, vol.17, 2547-2547, 2020
F.J. Diaz Bretones "Psychosocial working conditions and wellbeing of migrant workers.", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health"
, vol.17, -, 2020
M. Campillo, M. Sanchez Martinez
M.D.P. Diaz Conde,
"Present and future of school intergenerational programmes: A study from Spain", "Educational Research"
, vol.62, 375-389, 2020
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024